电子信息学院“致用讲坛”第13讲—— Small bug, Big bang!


报告题目:Small bug, Big bang!

报告人:Jean-Jacques Levy´

时 间:111509:30

地 点:12-403


Jean-Jacques Levy´ is a senior researcher emeritus at Inria. He graduated from the Ecole polytechnique in 1968, and got a PhD in computer science at University of Paris 7 in 1978. He joined Inria in 1970, served as a member of the research staff at Digital Equipment (DEC-PRL, 1987-1988), a full professor at Ecole polytechnique (1992-2006), the director of the new Inria-Microsoft Research Joint Centre (2006-2013) and a visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS, Beijing, 2013-2014). He headed two Inria research-teams (Para, Moscova), and two european projects (Confer-1, Confer-2); he was scientific chairman at Inria-Rocquencourt (1994-1996), vice chairman of the Inria national evaluation committee (19972000). He supervised 20 PhD theses, was a consultant at Xerox-PARC (1984) and DEC-SRC (1989) in Palo Alto (Ca). He received the CNRS Medaille de Bronze´ (1979). Jean-Jacques Levy worked on compilers, lambda-calculus, term rewriting systems, CAD for VLSI, system program-´ming, programming languages for distributed applications, formal proofs of programs. He participated to the debugging of the embedded software for the Ariane 5 rocket (after its explosion) and headed the on-board code review for the ISS european module Columbus. He is a (co-)author of 50 publications, 5 software and 1 US patent.